Monday, March 28, 2011

To Fenny Stratford

Left Slapton late morning and cruised slowly towards Leighton Buzzard. Stopped briefly at the Marina at Grove Lock before descending to the long stretch before Leighton Buzzard. We noticed the increased activity at the boatyard on the offside and on the towpath opposite. Needing to pick up friends in Leighton Buzzard on Wednesday morning we moored outside the town, opposite the school. Two days when we have only gone a very short distance and only gone down three locks. It was heartening to see and hear many youngsters taking part in after school sports activity until almost 6 pm. I walked into the town to do some shopping ready for our visitors and David's birthday which is on Wednesday. I saw NB No Problem moored up at the Tesco moorings and stopped for a brief chat. Returning to the boat I decided to do some minor repairs to some rusty patches which were appearing. After rubbing down and applying KURUST I used red oxide as a base.

We set off at about 9am on Wednesday morning and moored at the TESCO mooring to wait for our friends John and Gill to arrive. It was a beautifully sunny and warm day. We cruised past Wyvern boatyard and all their moored up hire boats. At Leighton Lock David acted as tutor as Gill learned about operating the lock paddles and gates. It was a lovely cruise down to Soulbury in the sun. We managed to get down the three locks with no problems despite the very leaky to gates on the second lock and then cruised on, mooring up after Stoke Hammond for lunch. We had some red wine, a birthday cake and candles for David. The final leg of our trip with John and Gill was to just beyond the Fenny Stratford Lock, mooring on the 24 hour moorings. From here John and Gill had planned to catch a number 70 bus back to Leighton Buzzard. In the event no bus appeared and they had to call a taxi. I then covered the patches of red oxide base with a coat of black so the boat no longer looks such a mess. We then spent the night on the 24 hour moorings.

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